Bohemian Rhapsody: A Vibrant Celebration of Freddie Mercury and Queen "Bohemian Rhapsody," directed by Bryan Singer and Dexter Fletcher, is a...
Results for "Drama"
Knox Goes Away (2023)
Knox Goes Away (2023) Release date: 15 March 2024 (USA) Genre: Thriller Director: Michael Keaton Cinematographer: Marshall Adams Budget:...
Friday (1995)
Chronicling a Friday in South Central: A Look at "Friday" (1995) F. Gary Gray's 1995 directorial debut, "Friday," isn't your typical Hollywood...
Housekeeping for Beginners (2023)
A Chaotic Symphony: A Look at Stolevski's "Housekeeping for Beginners" Goran Stolevski's "Housekeeping for Beginners" isn't your average...
American Hustle (2013)
A Hustle You Won't Want to Miss: A Look at American Hustle David O. Russell's "American Hustle" isn't just another con artist flick. It's a...
Mother! (2017)
Release date: 15 September 2017 (USA) Genre: Horror/Mystery Director: Darren Aronofsky Cinematographer: Matthew Libatique Budget: $30 million USD...
2023: A Box Office Odyssey – The Top 5 Grossing Films
2023: A Box Office Odyssey - The Top 5 Grossing Films 2023 was a year of surprises and triumphs at the box office. While Hollywood faced labour...
Zendaya’s Film Career (So Far)…
From Disney Darling to Hollywood Powerhouse: The Evolution of Zendaya's Film Career Zendaya. The name itself evokes a sense of style, talent, and...
Timothée Chalamet’s Film Career (So Far)…
From Heartthrob to Hero: The Rise of Timothée Chalamet Timothée Chalamet has become a name synonymous with captivating performances and daring...
Saoirse Ronan’s Film Career (So Far)…
From Prodigy to Powerhouse: The Enduring Brilliance of Saoirse Ronan's Film Career Saoirse Ronan's name has become synonymous with captivating...