A Quiet Place: Day One - A Shrill Whisper in the Franchise John Krasinski's "A Quiet Place" left audiences in stunned silence, its unique brand of...
Featured Films
Back To Black (2024)
A Compelling Portrait of Amy Winehouse's Life and Legacy In 2024, director Sam Taylor-Johnson brings us "Back To Black," a biographical film that...
Knox Goes Away (2023)
Knox Goes Away (2023) Release date: 15 March 2024 (USA) Genre: Thriller Director: Michael Keaton Cinematographer: Marshall Adams Budget:...
The Apprentice (2024)
The Apprentice: A Look at Trump's Rise, But Is It Entertaining? Director Ali Abbasi's "The Apprentice" isn't your typical biopic. Instead of a...
Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024)
Furiosa: A Return to the Wasteland, Forged in Fire Release date: 24 May 2024 (USA) Genre: Action/Adventure Director: George Miller...
Poor Things (2023)
A Curious Case: A Look at Yorgos Lanthimos' "Poor Things" Release date: 8 December 2023 (USA) Genre: Comedy/Fantasy Director: Yorgos...
The Last Stop in Yuma County (2023)
Buckle Up for a Wild Ride: A Review of "The Last Stop in Yuma County" Francis Galluppi's "The Last Stop in Yuma County" throws a genre cocktail...
The Idea of You (2024)
The Idea of You: A Forbidden Romance with a Catchy Soundtrack Michael Showalter's "The Idea of You" takes us on a whirlwind tour of love, fame, and...
The Fall Guy (2024)
Buckle Up for Laughs and Daring Stunts: A Look at "The Fall Guy" David Leitch, the action auteur behind films like "Atomic Blonde" and "Bullet...
Housekeeping for Beginners (2023)
A Chaotic Symphony: A Look at Stolevski's "Housekeeping for Beginners" Goran Stolevski's "Housekeeping for Beginners" isn't your average...